
Charles Steinkuehler's LEAF/LRP Website

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How you can help:

Everyone can do something to further the cause of LEAF.  You don't even have to be a programming or network wizard (although it does help for some things).  Try to do one or more of the following:

Spread the word!

You can do a lot by telling folks about LEAF, and how it worked for you.  You should also point them to the LEAF mailing list, and the main LEAF web sites (see the 'links' button above if you need help with this one :-)

Answer some questions

The LEAF mailing list gets a lot of traffic.  If you've used it at all, you've probably noticed the quick and helpful responses to your questions.  This takes the combined effort of a lot of people.  Even if you are a relative newcomer to LEAF, don't be afraid to answer questions...there will probably be several you can handle, even if they are pretty basic.  Some questions aren't even really technical at all...things like can I play quake through my LEAF box, will it work with xyz cable modem.  If you've done any of these things, or know that they work, jump in and say so.  This reduces the load on the group of folks trying to solve all the complex problems and nasty configuration issues.

Document your efforts

One of the biggest problems with software (free or not) tends to be a lack of usable documentation.  If you felt there was something unclear (or completely missing) from the documentation you used in getting LEAF going, try to take some time and jot down what you had to do to get your system working.  You could save someone else from encountering the same problems you encountered.

Add or suggest new functionality

Maybe LEAF doesn't quite do everything you want.  Maybe you miss your favorite utility or need a problem solved.  Start with a post to the LEAF list...maybe someone's already done what you need.  If not, perhaps you can add the functionality to LEAF.  Who knows, you might even convince someone else it's such a great idea they should implement it.

Thank the developers

Lots of folks have done a lot of work to create the LEAF disks you are using.  I don't know about the other developers, but I still like hearing from people who have had good results using my disk images and LEAF packages.  It's a refreshing change to know everything works as expected once in a while.

Send money, caffeine, and chocolate :)

Everything on this site is free, and based on the work of many people.  You do not owe anyone anything because you are using the software you got here (other than providing source-code for any changes you might make...see the GNU license).  If, however, you feel compelled to send me something, that's perfectly OK too.  So far, I have received a beer (a post-card of a beer, actually) from Belgium that looks very drinkable, a Compact Flash card with IDE adapter from Switzerland (WOW! perfect for my LEAF router), some excellent Swiss Chocolate, some first class coffee, and assorted monetary contributions.  I can accept money via my Pay-Pal account (e-mail address: cstein@newtek.com), or you can mail things to:

Charles Steinkuehler
222 SW Greenwood Ave.
Topeka, KS 66606

You could always send plane tickets to Belgium so I could collect my beer in person ;-)

!! - THANKS - !! to everyone who's sent a little something, even just a note of appreciation.  It helps keep me going.  There's too many to list here...you know who you are.

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Last modified: December 04, 2001