
Charles Steinkuehler's LEAF/LRP Website

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Want to see your favorite LRP disk image here?  Send me the image or a link, and I'll add it to this page.  Try to provide the details I list below for any image you send me, including a brief description.

Contributed Disk Images

Base Dachstein 1.0.2
Kernel 2.2.19-3
Format 1680K
http SourceForge download (fast) dachstein-v1.0.2-ipsec-1680.bin
http Local download (slow) dachstein-v1.0.2-ipsec-1680.bin
Home Page guitarlynn
Instructions df-ipsec.txt
Creator Lynn Avants
etc + ramlog + modules + udhcp + dnscache + mawk + ifconfig + ipsec
1680K image based on Dachstein for Ipsec VPN Gateway use. The smaller udhcp package is used and replaces both the dhcpd and dhclient packages.


Base Dachstein 1.0.2
Kernel 2.2.19-3
Format 1680K
http SourceForge download (fast) dachstein-v1.0.2-1680-bpalogin-v2.IMA
http Local download (slow) dachstein-v1.0.2-1680-bpalogin-v2.IMA
Home Page  
Instructions readme.txt & readbpa.txt
Creator Ernest Haak
etc + ramlog + local + modules + dhclient + dhcpd + dnscache + weblet + bpalogin + ifconfig
1680K image based on Dachstein with Australian Telstra BigPond client


Base EigerStein2Beta
Kernel 2.2.16
Format 1680K
http SourceForge download (fast) eigerstein2beta_pppoe_beta.v.0.2.img
http Local download (slow) eigerstein2beta_pppoe_beta.v.0.2.img
Home Page www.crosswinds.net/~khadley/
Instructions eigerstein2beta-pppoe.txt
Creator Kenneth Hadley
PPPoE + dhcpd + DNSCache + weblet
1680K image based on EigerStein2Beta with PPPoE support


Base Eiger
Kernel 2.2.16
Format 1680K
http SourceForge download (fast) 1680-eth-pppoe-dhclient-dnscache.IMA
http Local download (slow) 1680-eth-pppoe-dhclient-dnscache.IMA
Home Page www.pil.net/~turgon/BA.html
Instructions LRP-pppoe.txt
Creator Mike Leone
PPPoE + DNSCache + PortSentry + telnetd
1680K Materhorn image (with Eiger kernel), configured for a pppoe DSL connection. Includes dnscache, psentry and telnetd. File is in WinImage format.  This image is no longer supported, as Mike does not have a PPPoE connection anymore.


Base Materhorn
Kernel 2.2.13
Format 1743K
http SourceForge download (fast) 2eth_mat.img
http Local download (slow) 2eth_mat.img
Home Page www.fabbnet.net/lrp.htm
Creator Richard Minutillo
Dual ethernet ne.o adapters, ports 25, 80, & 110 forwarded + sshd


Base Materhorn
Kernel 2.2.13
Format 1743K
http SourceForge download (fast) pppoe-lrp-1743k.bin
http Local download (slow) pppoe-lrp-1743k.bin
Home Page www.geocities.com/bluevio/
Instructions pppoe-lrp.txt
Creator bluevio
PPPoE + bwidth22 + dhcpd + oidentd + telnetd + vpnd


Base Materhorn
Kernel 2.2.13
Format 1440K x2
http SourceForge download (fast)



http Local download (slow)



Home Page world.std.com/~mruelle/
Instructions materhorninstructions.txt
Creator Mike Ruelle
bind + ppp22 + sshd
They allow me to connect my laptop with a web aviator pro wireless internet card. And my network which uses a DLink network card(via-rhine.o) to a demand-dial PPP to my ISP. The router dials up on bootup becuase of BIND trying to contact the forwarder but I have never figured out how to fix that. It has SSH, BIND, and PPP. There is also a serial link already setup on ttyS1.


Base 2.9.4
Kernel 2.0.36
Format 1440K
http SourceForge download (fast) 2eth_lrp.img
http Local download (slow) 2eth_lrp.img
Home Page www.fabbnet.net/lrp.htm
Creator Richard Minutillo
Dual ethernet ne.o adapters, port 80 forwarded + sshd

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Last modified: December 04, 2001